Spirea bumalda 'Goldmound' Spirea


Luminous electric yellow spring foliage is accentuated with masses of tiny pink flowers that attract butterflies. Takes on a green hue in summer then rich orange fall colour. Compact and mounding, this plant looks great in mixed beds, low borders, or in mass. Hardy and effortless to grow in moist, well-drained soils 60 cm -1 m tall x 1.2 m wide (2 feet tall x 3 feet wide)

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Berberis thunbergii 'Aurea Nana'
Juniperus sabina Monna Calgary Carpet Juniper
Thuja occidentalis "Nigra" Black Cedar
Thuja occidentalis Danica - Danica Cedar
Hydrangea paniculata 'Vanilla Strawberry' Standard