How To Choose And Care For Your Poinsettia Plant

When you choose a poinsettia, you want to make sure it is healthy and has no wilted leaves.

The poinsettia, which many people call the “Christmas Plant, was first brought to the United States from its native land Mexico, in 1825 by the first US ambassador Joel Robert Poinsettia. Since that time, growers have made many different colors and styles of this wonderful Christmas Plant. 

Tips When Purchasing a Poinsettia

Thinking about the following tips while you are choosing a poinsettia to purchase will help you buy one that lasts through the entire holiday season. 

If you buy your poinsettia at a retail store that does not specialize in plants, chances are, it has not been properly cared for.  Choose one that is not wilted and does not have leaves falling off of it.  If the leaves are falling off, it has suffered severe drought.   Avoid the plants with foliage that is beginning to yellow.  These leaves will fall off.   If the plants are sitting in an area by an entrance or a drafty door, they dislike that as well.  I would not take one from such a spot.

The actual flowers of the poinsettia plant are the golden yellow clusters (cyathia) in the center of the colored bracts (the colored bracts are actually the plant’s leaves that changed color.  They do this to attract insects.  The leaves are not flower petals as most consumers think). As you choose your poinsettia, make sure the plant you choose still has the cyathia.

If you purchase your poinsettia from a store that has kept the plastic or paper sleeve packaging on the plant, check to see that the leaves are not falling off or turning yellow.  If they are, the plant may drop all the leaves before the holiday season is over.  

Many people would think that they cannot look after a poinsettia when chances are, the care it received before it was purchased is what caused the slow death of the plant.

You, as a consumer, should look for a wide variety of colors, an abundance of cyathia, nice bracts, and long-lasting colors.

Temperature Control

When you walk out of the store with your poinsettia, remember that the plant needs protection from the weather, especially if the temperature is freezing. If the store did not provide a plant sleeve for your plant, ask them for one – even a grocery bag would be helpful. Your poinsettia should not be exposed (even in the wrapping) to freezing conditions for more than a short trip to the car. Do not leave your poinsettia in your car while you finish shopping. If the poinsettia is chilled below 50 degrees Fahrenheit it may begin to drop the leaves. Immediately unwrap your poinsettia when you arrive at your destination. Enjoy!

At home, locate your plant in a spot with bright natural light, but not exposed to direct sunlight for more than two hours. If in a sunny location, make sure the plant never dries out. Do not place your plant in an area that is exposed to drafts, or heat from appliances, radiators, or ventilation ducts. Your poinsettia should be placed in an area not exposed to heavy traffic. Although this plant is not poisonous, the plant should be placed away from small children and animals. Ingestion of the plant could cause discomfort if eaten.


If the poinsettia you bring home has a pot cover or foil wrapper, remember to let the water drain from the cover or wrapper. If the plant sits in this water, the leaves will yellow and drop. When watering, water the poinsettia well, and allow all excess water to drain before putting it into a waterproof container. Water when the top of the soil becomes dry to the touch.

The color of your poinsettia will last longer with temperatures not over 75 F during the day and 60-65 F at night.

How to Reflower Your Poinsettia

If you are an enthusiastic gardener, you may want to try to reflower your poinsettia for next year’s holiday season. Just remember, if you seem to lose interest in this along the way, you are in the company of many others. This process requires a lot of dedication and effort.

First Step - Care

This holiday season – remember to take care of your plant. Do not let your plant dry out!


Light: Your poinsettia may begin to fade in color. Keep your plant near a sunny window


Trimming: During the middle of April, cut the stems back to approximately 6” above the soil.


Fertilizing: Start fertilizing with a balanced fertilizer (20-20-20 or 20-10-20) at one teaspoon per gallon of water every third watering.


 Repotting time? Remove the plant, and check to see if the plant needs repotting (an abundance of roots). If you do repot, use commercial potting soil and a little larger pot. The pot may be placed outside in the light shade when the temperature does not fall below 55 F or, you can leave the plant inside. Fertilize with one teaspoon of a balanced fertilizer per gallon of water every second time you water.


 Bring your plant indoors (if it is outside) in mid-August. The plant should be kept inside in direct sunlight. Cut the stems back again, this time leaving three to four leaves per stem. Continue to water and fertilize.

Mid-September to the First of December

The plant should stay in direct sunlight (next to a window) until 5:00 pm. From 5:00 pm to 8:00 am the plant should be placed in complete darkness. You may be wondering, “How do I accomplish this?”

Some options are: putting the plant in a closet or putting the plant in a light-tight box.

Putting the plant in a room that has natural day-length darkening as early as 5:00 pm and is in complete darkness after that.  No other light, not even a nightlight or light under the door.  It should naturally turn color.  So if you have a room you do not use and it has a bright window, that would be perfect.  That way you do not have to take it out of a closet every day.  That can get hard to remember sometimes.

Now, you have your poinsettia to enjoy again for the new holiday season. If you are wondering why your plant does not look like one coming from the stores, remember that even though you have provided all the care your plant needs by following these directions, you cannot provide a professional greenhouse environment. The professional greenhouse offers an environment with controlled lighting, controlled temperatures, and professional growers. This environment will most likely produce a larger, fuller plant than you could produce in your home.

If you should decide to repeat the re-flowering process, your plant will be about 2-4 inches taller each year and should accordingly be cut back about 2-4 inches higher every year and definitely put it into a bigger pot.

dead poinsettia
poinsettia in window
poinsettia in the dark