When Do I Prune Trees and Shrubs

As a general rule, you should prune trees and shrubs in early spring. If they are a spring flowering shrub or tree, prune them after flowering.


Pruning shrubs and trees is a very important component to make them remain healthy and strong.  Most shrubs, evergreens, and trees require some pruning, whether it is to maintain their shape and size, or improve the plant’s general appearance. A well-pruned shrub garden will last years longer than one that is left to grow wild.


Whatever you are pruning, always use a sharp set of pruners or pruning shears. Dull blades may cause harm with uneven cuts.


As a general rule, spring flowering trees and shrubs are pruned after they flower.  Broken and dead branches should be removed as soon as possible. Weakened areas allow easy entry for insects and diseases. For major pruning jobs, early spring is the best time to prune.  With all the new varieties of  Hydrangeas, there are specific rules for them and require their own rules for pruning. 


Prune these for shape when they are very young. Formal plants, such as Boxwood, can be trimmed several times throughout the year. Junipers should be pruned before the growing season and larger evergreens such as pine when new growth is vigorous.


In early spring, remove a couple of older, thick stems at ground level to rejuvenate the plant. This will allow light and air into the center of the plant to promote new growth. Shaping can be done later during the season after the shrub has bloomed. Some plants bloom on new wood, and others on old wood (last year’s growth). Mock-orange, Serviceberry, Forsythia, Lilacs, and Deutzia produce flowers on the previous year’s growth and should be pruned after flowering. Summer flowering shrubs such as Potentillas and Weigela should be pruned in early spring before growth begins. For deciduous shrubs, you want to use a pair of hand-held pruners. This pair from Fiskers is an inexpensive but high-quality pair of pruners to help you finish the job.


Trees can be pruned throughout the year to maintain shape and remove dead and diseased branches. Trees such as Red and Silver Maples, Birch should not be pruned in the spring as the sap will run so they should be pruned in mid-summer. Trees such as flowering crab apples and lilacs should be pruned when they are finished flowering. Fruit trees should be pruned in late winter before they bloom. Significant cuts (over 10 cm) should be treated with pruning paint. For pruning trees, you should use a pair of long-handled by-pass pruners. Recently mini chain saws have been popular. It makes it easy for anyone to trim larger branches from trees.

pruning branches by hand
pruning evergreens
pruning deciduous shrubs
pruning trees